
Important Developments in Privacy & Cybersecurity Laws in Canada

- 01:30 AM

Privacy and cybersecurity laws in Canada are rapidly evolving. To help you stay on top of the recent developments, Torkin Manes’ Technology, Privacy and Data Management Group is hosting a complimentary webinar on Thursday, June 30, 2022, that will cover an overview of important case law, regulatory guidance, upcoming statutory changes, and other hot topics in this area.

At this session, our team of privacy and cybersecurity experts will fuel you with a practical overview of significant privacy legal and regulatory developments over the past year, including legislative changes, and commissioner and court decisions. We will also focus on Bills C-26 and C-27, the government’s latest attempt to modernize cybersecurity and privacy laws in Canada, and what these proposed laws mean to your business.

We will also review privacy class-action and related litigation activity, as well as anticipated developments in the area.

Don’t miss the opportunity to leverage our knowledge and experience to help your organization navigate current Canadian privacy requirements, recognize and benefit from opportunities, and mitigate potential risks.