
Lisa Corrente, Risa Awerbuck and Daniel Stober assist in creating Legal Toolkits for Advance Care Planning in Canada

Advance Care Planning in Canada

Lisa Corrente, Risa Awerbuck and Daniel Stober have assisted in creating Legal Toolkits with ACP Canada.

The ‘Speak Up’ Advance Care Planning in Canada initiative provides two complementary resources to support public navigation of the legal requirements and facilitate lawyers’ involvement in their clients’ ACP.  With these two resources, you have a better access to plain language explanations of your rights and requirements in ACP, and lawyers have an aid for initiating ACP conversations with their clients, should they wish. Together, these resources enable more opportunities for people in Canada to exercise their rights to plan their future care.

For more information on Advance Care Planning, and to sign up for the Legal Toolkit for Lawyers, click here.

For more information on Advance Care Planning, and to sign up for  the Legal Toolkit for People in Canada, click here